No Menu's

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Just installed Mint 19 from scratch and Scribus 1.5.3 and 1.5.4 menu text doesn't show up, thinking its a missing font, I know this was brought up before, tried themes no luck

Scribus 1.5.2 does work just fine so have gone back to it for now

Any Ideas?


I have the same problem and can´t seem to find any solutions on the Internet. I have a clean installed Linux MInt 19 and a  Scribus 1.5.4. AppImage. The app is working fine (I can open files), but without the Menu Bar I cannot edit or set up Scribus. When clicking on menu items, all I get is an empty window.


I just installed from the Mint App Center and it works again, only the Appimages don't work, install Scribus-NG