Style Manager Problem

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Im trying to create a new paragraph style but the 'Style Manager' goes beyond the limits of my screen.  I try to drag it up so that I can see the 'Done' button but it wont lift. When I press 'Enter' all sorts of weird things happen because I can't see what Im clicking.  Is there something I can do here?
My first 'puter was a 286,
My first dtp was Aldus Pagemaker,
My first printer was a Little Squirt,
My first car was a motorbike.


Encountered the same problem with an oversized 'Export to PDF'  I got around it by shifting my windows taskbar to the right hand side.  But its an annoying little glitch.   ???  Not complaining; just letting folks know.
My first 'puter was a 286,
My first dtp was Aldus Pagemaker,
My first printer was a Little Squirt,
My first car was a motorbike.