Question about compression

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Alright, so when I go to Export>Save as PDF and compression set to none, the PDF file is 2.3 gigs. But when I set compression to automatic and quality to maximum, it comes out to 300 megs.    All images in the document are 300 dpi and I set the maximum dpi to 300 so those hopefully didn't change.

So my question is, how can compression make such a huge difference in file size? Surely this will affect how the images look in print, or will it? Will there be a difference to the naked eye on the printed page? I would leave the compression at none, but the file size limit for the print-on-demand is 800 megs so I guess I have to do some compression during pdf export.


hi farland

your images are .tif files. with automatic compression scribus will export the .pdf with .jpg images.
with the quality set to 'maximum' this should usually be ok.



 Thanks again, Utnik.  I am making this for DriveThruRPG for print on demand at Lightning Source.  The whole thing is slightly confusing to me because the LS documentation suggests to use tiff images, which I did, but then DTRPG only allows a max file size of 800 megs for contents of a print on demand book.  Unless I am wrong, that basically rules out the use of tiff images.  Hmmm.


Quote from: Farland on March 08, 2018, 07:54:59 PM...DTRPG only allows a max file size of 800 megs for contents of a print on demand book.  Unless I am wrong, that basically rules out the use of tiff images.

yes, in the case of almost 200 full page high resolution images it does – but you'll be fine with .jpg.
