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The text menu seems unnecessarily complicated. Is there a way to select (highlight) text and simply change font, size and colour? The edit text box doesn't seem to always hold "saved" changes. When comparing with mainstream DTP packages (Quark Xpress, InDesign) Scribus seems counter intuitive.


Welcome to the forum jimclark.

Which version of Scribus are you using?

The stable version - 1.4.6 - and the latest developmental versions - 1.5.3+ - work differently.
In 1.4.6 you can change text formatting using the Properties Palette and on 1.5.3(?) I've been told there's a separate Text Palette for doing that sort of thing but I don't use the developmental software so I don't know how it works.

I would suggest using 1.4.6, at least until you know your way around the application.


Thanks. It's 1.4.6. If there is a later version (even under development) I may go for it.


You shouldn't need to go for a developmental version as 1.4.6 works well and using developmental software can give you more problems.

What is the specific problem you are encountering? What is "unnecessarily complicated"?
Also, when you say "The edit text box doesn't seem to always hold "saved" changes", what is the "edit text box" and what do you mean by "saved changes"?

It may well be that the documentation you have read isn't explaining things well enough and there is a simple way of doing what you want.


It would be handy to have "Standard" text tools across the top of Scribus, like Libre office has or Pagestream, or the ability to place often used tools (center, bold etc..) in a tool bar


RodneyLee: There has been much discussion about that sort of thing here: http://forums.scribus.net/index.php/topic,1617.0.html (it's a very long post, but interesting if you like UI design).
