increase the distance between text and frame

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how can I increase the distance between text and frame?

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Hello everybody!
How can I increase the distance between text and frame?


hi kadars

try 'properties' → 'text' → 'columns & text distances'.



Unfortunately, it can't set it.

[attachment deleted by admin]


Welcome to the forum kadars.

utnik's answer is correct for increasing the gap between the text in a frame and the frame it is in.
However, what you want to do is make the text flow around the image frame with a gap between the image frame and the text.
It's a subtle difference but an important one which wasn't evident in your original question.
Just a matter of knowing the right wording to use. It can be confusing at first.

This article might be useful:

Otherwise you could do a web search for "scribus text flow around frame" (without the quotes) where you will probably see other articles and some videos.


Thank you very much!
I did it. That was the solution.