Embedding error in PDF?

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I used scribus und linux mint to create my CV. The fonts Aller regular, Charis SIL regular and Charis SIL bold are used. I exported the CV to pdf. Now I got the following problem:

Opening the CV locally on my pc with xreader, everything is displayed correctly.
Loading it to my webspace and opening it with chromium+adobereader, the keywords that are suppoused to be Charis SIL bold are displayed as Charis SIL regular.

I suspect that the bold font might not have been embedded correctly when exporting to PDF. However, I looked through the scribus font settings and couldn't find any difference between Charis SIL regular and Charis SIL bold. Any ideas?

The CV can be found here: http://theaterpaedagoge.net/files/daten/welsch_cv.pdf

greets A.


hi alpwl

'charisSIL-bold' is embedded in some way, but it isn't displayed correctly in 'acrobat reader', while 'acrobat pro' seems to show it as expected.
if you send me the workfile ('file' → 'collect for output' with the font files), i will investigate the issue further. (pm)



Thank you utnik, that already sounds like I didn't do anything obviously stupid ;)

PM send!

greets Alpa


hi alpwl

i misinterpreted something.
there is no font embedded, but acrobat reader and acrobat pro don't substitute the missing fonts the same way. in acrobat pro it was bold, but still another font (as i can see now, with the right font at hand...)

when i export your file without changing any settings, the fonts aren't embedded (not even a subset of them).

for your cv you should embed a subset of the fonts (,save as .pdf' → ,fonts' → ,outline all' – this will produce and embed so called ,type 3' fonts containing all the used glyphs.)

if you need to embed the full font files, (will blow up your file by something around 1.2MB,) first go to ,file' → ,document setup' → ,fonts', check ,use font' and ,embed in postscript' and deselect ,subset' for the chosen fonts.
now you can embed the fonts by clicking ,embed all' in the ,fonts' tab of the .pdf export window.

btw: ,abyssinica' is used in the default character style, but this style isn't in the actual layout. (the first two text frames are formatted with ,abyssinica' – but just the frames, not the text in them...)



Yes, I think that was the mistake :)

At least in my acrobat it now displays correctly:

Thanks a lot for the help utnik!

greets A.