Image Frame doesn't respond to Level

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I insert a Picture Frame that covers the entire Page. I want to insert a Text Frame to act as a caption on top of the image. If I try to cut and paste from another text frame on top of the Image Frame, "Paste" isn't available. I have to go outside the Image Frame to another page and then drag the text frame for the caption back on top of the image frame. Then the Level arrows don't work to bring the Text Frame to the top for editing the text. I have to hide the image in the image frame to "see" the text frame. I am new to Scribus so am wondering what I am doing wrong? or is this just the functionality of the program? I am doing a photo book so this keeps happening over and over and slows down the work flow immensely.

Otherwise a very nice program!

Anyway to remove the shadow underneath a Page in GUI? It interferes with being able to view the trim/bleed margins?

And: no thumbnail previews when viewing selecting images for an Image Frame? (There's only "Detail" and "List" view - no Small or Large Icon view. I do see an image preview window but that assumes I know which file name corresponds to which image.) and the Open Image dialog window doesn't remember the last resize. I have to resize the dialog window every time I insert a new image?


I'm not entirely sure what you're trying to do.

* "I insert a Picture Frame that covers the entire Page." - Sounds quite reasonable.
* "I want to insert a Text Frame to act as a caption on top of the image." - Again, quite reasonable.
* "If I try to cut and paste from another text frame on top of the Image Frame, "Paste" isn't available." - I'm not sure why you're doing this. If you want a text frame - anywhere - just draw it where you want it. If you want to create a copy of another text frame then you can Duplicate it - menu 'Item -> Duplicate' or Ctrl+D - and drag it to where you want it to be. Or you can use Copy - Cut will remove the original - and then use Paste but you won't see Paste in the context-sensitive menu unless you have nothing selected (for some reason, even though you can still use Ctrl+V).
* "I have to go outside the Image Frame to another page and then drag the text frame for the caption back on top of the image frame." - I don't know why you're doing this.
* "Then the Level arrows don't work to bring the Text Frame to the top for editing the text." - The level arrows only 'work' if there is more than one thing on the layer you're on. If you have more than one thing on a layer and you can't use the level arrow buttons then that could be a bug but you would have to supply a repeatable workflow for testing.

It sounds like you might have gotten yourself into a workflow that isn't totally compatible with the way that Scribus works. That's easily enough done as Scribus doesn't always work the way you might think it should when coming over from other software. If you can say what you're trying to do - not what you're trying to fix - then someone can probably tell you the best way to do it. There's probably a simple solution.

For the Page Shadow, go to Preferences / Display, and un-check "Show Page Shadow".

* "And: no thumbnail previews when viewing selecting images for an Image Frame?" - Select a file and a preview of it should be shown on the right. Unfortunately there's no way to see thumbnails of all of the files - as you would in a file explorer - but you can drag an image from a file explorer window into Scribus to create an image frame with the image in it. Since Scribus is a visual piece of software I would say that an option to see thumbnails should exist, so you're right to bring that up.

* "the Open Image dialog window doesn't remember the last resize. I have to resize the dialog window every time I insert a new image?" - You're correct. I would say that this was an omission by the developers. If the user wants the window to be a certain size then Scribus should remember that size for the next time.

Does any of this help?


I think the problem here is what Garry is mentioning: Since the image frame covers the whole page, navigating to the page maybe means the user clicks on the image frame = image frame selected and Paste not available in the menu.


Thanks GarryP & Nermander. Helpful replies.

Another question: is there a way to Paste an item (Image Frame) "in place" - i.e., with the same x/y coordinates as the page I copied it from? Right now I have to hopefully align my cursor with where I think it will paste - but it is always a little off and I have to spend time moving it around to get the correct coordinates.


You're welcome.

If you use Ctrl+V - or menu "Edit -> Paste" - Scribus will paste the object onto the new page in exactly the same place, relative to the top-left of the page, that it was on the original page. If you use the Paste function from the context-sensitive menu then it will move the object to where you right-clicked. This gives you the choice about how you want to paste it rather than it always doing the same thing.


OK, got it. That's what I was looking for. Thanks again GarryP