Tamil fonts

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dear m s

you just have to make the font available to Scribus (and make sure you're using Scribus 1.5.3 or newer).

- you can install the font in the font manager you can find in the control panel or
- add the directory containing the unzipped font to the "additional paths" you can define in the font section of the scribus preferences (you will have to close all document in order to be able to add new paths).

oriya will be glad, that people are starting using his fonts with scribus!


m s narayanan

Dear a l e
I am unable to view your latest post.
I view only the message I have sent to you.

M S Narayanan


hi narayanan

Quote from: m s narayanan on July 10, 2017, 07:18:44 AM...I was under the impression that when browsed through the fonts one will be able to know the font's name.

i had no problem to find the name of the font – but i don't have it on my system and when i searched the web i found licensing fees around 190 € – too much for testing your problems...


m s narayanan

Dear o l e
I think you are restricted to advise me how did you
Succeed in getting the document to text frame.
Anyway, thanks a lot for your help and suggestions. I will put my head into this issue. By the bye I have uninstalled 1.5.3 instead installed 1.4.6
I also tried with catamaran. Though it works, the fonts are not the same as odt.
M S Narayanan


dear m s

i could not fully understand your latest post but:

- tamil scripts are only supported in scribus 1.5.3 and later. scribus 1.4.x cannot render your text correctly.

- you must use a font that support the tamil language *and* is good enough for scribus to use it.
  arial fonts might or not contain the glyphs you need and might or not be good enough for professional printing. sorry, i cannot judge.

- for having talked to oryia, i know that his font does work with scribus 1.5.3 and correctly renders tamils glyphs.
  if there are issues with it, you should fill a ticket in his github repository.

- sadly, i cannot read your language and i cannot judge about the differences between catamaran and arial.

- as far as i know, catamaran is the only free font correctly supporting the tamil language for print stuff, so i fear that the easy path is to use it for your documents.

have fun

m s narayanan

Dear a l e
I apologise to you for my earlier post. This was because I could not go to the second page.
From the web, I misunderstood that 1.5.3 is for testing and for developers. Now I reinstalled 1.5.3
I have also catamaran Tamil fonts.  I shall try and keep you informed.  Initial trial works partially good.  The fonts appearing in page is different from the fonts for text edit which is exactly like odt file.
Once again thanks for every thing.
M S Narayanan


1.5.3 is indeed a version that is meant for testing.

but if you take a bit of care it's usable.

and for languages like the tamil one you don't have the choice: the support has been added in 1.5.3.
you cannot use 1.4.3 for it.

again many thanks to our friends in oman who added the support for arabic and allowed scribus to support the indic languages, too!

m s narayanan

Dear a l e
I am very happy to inform you that I could get the document in Tamil to text frame.  It reads exactly same as the odt.  I also tried to export to PDF.  The result is very good.
My sincere thanks to you for so patiently guided me throughout. My thanks are also due to developers of catamaran fonts.
M S Narayanan