Unable to install and use Ghostscript

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Hello everyone,

I downloaded Scribus some days ago.  I am not very good with the installation process, and I have some problems.  I installed Scribus and it is working, but it is asking about Ghostscript.  I downloaded Ghostscript, but was unable to run and install it because Windows 7 do not recognize the type of file.  I suppose I need to open it with something like WinZip or any available software.  Does Ghostscript have a setup.exe file to install it?  I will appreciate any help.  Thanks!


Hi BooksWriter,
It's possible you downloaded the ghostscript source instead of the install file. Go to http://pages.cs.wisc.edu/~ghost/doc/GPL/gpl902.htm The download links for Windows installers (.exe) are near the bottom of the page. Once you run the ghostscript.exe file and install the program, go into Scribus. If the ghostscript error still appears, go to File/Preference/External Tools. From there, navigate to Program Files or wherever the ghostcript program was installed.

Scribus 1.4.0 on Windows Vista 32-bit



Thank you for your help Christen.  I will try to run the exe file and see if everything works.


No problem! let us know if you have any more problems! :)
Scribus 1.4.0 on Windows Vista 32-bit
