pagination fails when export to pdf

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Hi, can anyone help me. I am using 1.5.2 on OSx I have paginated and all looks good in Scribus but when I export to pdf only a few characters are displayed. I have attached the Num.sla and Num.pdf

[attachment deleted by admin]


hi paul

i can reproduce your problem with scribus 1.5.2, but with 1.5.3 the file exports as expected (all numbers are visible...)
i don't have the time for deeper investigateions – at least not now.

you could load the latest developer version just for the final export.



Hi utnik, Thank you so much for taking the time to answer my problem. Have downloaded 1.5.3 and exporting works great :) :) :)

What a star you are. Thank you. Will update completely when next release is available.


hi paul

scribus 1.5.3 is a program under construction. keep this in mind and use it at your own risk!
(i don't use 1.5.2 any more. i work with 1.4.6 and if i need functions from the 1.5 branch, i use the most recent 1.5.3...)



indeed there were issues with the page numbers in some of the 1.5.x releases...

if you're using a development version, in most cases it's better to go for the latest available binaries (or sources)...


Thank you both. I am aware that I am on slightly dodgy ground with the 1.5.x but with utnik's help my problem was solved. I am really enjoying using Scribus although it has been a steep learning curve. I didn't know if it was me or the software but had problems with 1.4.6 so went to 1.5.2. All OK except as above. Hope my experience will be of help to others. Paul