PDF Compatibility

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No I didn't attempt to import as an image, but then that would be no good as the text would not be editable. It seems as if the OCR program is still the only option.



It is generally very hard to import a PDF as editable text, becuse a PDF is more or less an image.

There are often no "lines" or "paragraphs" in a PDF, there are just a lot of graphical objects (some of them are glyphs from a font, others are lines or other objects).

A PDF is not intended to be edited.


wena, you won't be able to edit text from a pdf in scribus 1.4.

it will be possible, under certain circumstances, with 1.6.

it is possible to bring text from a pdf to scribus and you have been told above how to do it.

use copy paste, pdftotext, inkscape, ocr to .odt...

there are lot of ways to do it and each of them probably have some problems since -- as nernamder just wrote to you -- pdf is meant as a final format, not to be further used except for viewing or printing.
(PDFs can indeed be (mis)used for other goals... but that was not the goal when adobe designed it!)

finally, if you have a specific case, please post the file and an exact description of what you want to achieve: with a bit of luck you will get the help you need to achieve your goal!



You can put it this way: Think of PDF as a digital paper. You can not (easily) edit something that has already been put on paper. Byt you can include a copy of it, and even crop it.


Hi, I'm a writer. I wrote this book Soldier of Pain. :D It sells extremely poorly on Amazon and I don't have money to market it. I've sold over 300 copies to people who read it cover to cover. Which is pretty good considering I only have word of mouth. I've had offers from Marvel and the Syfy channel to buy the idea outright, but I am much too parental to accept less than $25,000 dollars for my original concept without being part of the creative team working on it and being credited for my original work. These people wouldn't even give me royalties. Anyway, it's a sad story bro.

I want to edit the original copy PDF copy. (That's because I deleted the thumb drive with the original copy on it, OOOPS.) I need to add a new cover and update the story and the book itself a bit. It has horrible formatting.

I tried simply importing the PDF into the Latest Version of Scribus... Which turned it into MUSH. I use several different languages to tell the story with subtitles in English. Those foreign fonts probably is the reason it's just turning into crap.

I don't blame Scribus for this, this was all the fault of this freshman Writer. But I am a good storyteller and my stories are Awesome. Or so the people that read them say. I just want to use Scribus to create a document that looks as good as it reads.

Is there any other way other than simple copy and paste to do that?

Please help.


>>>I want to edit the original copy PDF copy. (That's because I deleted the thumb drive with the original copy on it, OOOPS.) I need to add a new cover and update the story and the book itself a bit. It has horrible formatting. <<<

fear not... at least if you really haven't deleted the thumb drive.. I hope you mean you deleted the scribus document on the thumb drive..;)

you just need photorec


this is utility to recover deleted files. they never really go away on flash media.
Using Scribus 1.5.8 & 1.6.2, openSUSE 15.5
Advanced hobbyist