PDF in A4 format but PostScript file in Letter format ???

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I've got the problem that my PDF (A4 format, exported from Scribus 1.4.6) is fine displayed in Acrobat reader but printed wrong by my printer (Kyocera FS 1030D): the printed content of on my page looks like it swips to the top and is cropped.

So to check what was going wrong I printed also my page in a Postscrip file, to compare, and when I open the file on my screen it looks exactly like the printed page with the printer: the printed content of on my page looks like it swips to the top and is cropped.
I've checked the lenght and width of the Postscript file: 21,59 × 27,94 cm. These are Letter page format but not A4. That's why all my content sems to be swiped to the top of the page and cropped.
I don't know why the fonction "print in a Postcript file" is changing my document format A4 to Letter ?
I've reinstalled GhostScript, but nothing change. I work on OSX 10.9.5

I attach my files (sla, PDF, PS) to test, if you get the same result.

Has anybody an idea about that trouble ?

Thank you very much !

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One more tests. When I set my sla document to Letter format, the print in a Postscript file is fine. But when I set my sla document to A0 format for example, the print in a Postscript file is wrong again and is cropped in the Letter format mesures (only the bottom left corner of the A0 document is visible).

It seems that I can only print in a Postscript file which always has Letter format mesurements.

I've attached the 2 PS files.

Weird  ???

[attachment deleted by admin]


I carry on my search and I discovered thru the inspector of OSX Preview (i work on a mac) that the Postscript file is produced by "PSNormalizer.framework". I know nothing about this but maybe it has something to do with my problem... maybe...


the simplest path for solving your problem, is to just consider scribus as a pdf production software.

all other formats have no real guarantee that they will succeed on every computer.
they might, but it depends much on what you have installed alongside to scribus.

i had a look at your pdf and it looks correct.
but i did not try to print it (next time you share a pdf for testing, please create an empty rectangle: black borders but transparent content : - )

now, some possible reasons why the printer does not give you the expected results:

- you might not be printing the file as is (100%, no scaling).
- if you're printing at 100%, the margins might not be large enough for your printer.
- make sure that your printer is setup to print A4 and not other formats.

one other thing you can try:

create the same file in libre office draw (an A4 file with a rectangle that fills it up to the 1 cm margin) and print it from there.
if it then works, create a pdf from libre office and print it from acrobat reader.

one of them (or both) should fail, if the problem is outside of scribus...


Hi a.l.e,
thank you for your answer.

Quotebut i did not try to print it (next time you share a pdf for testing, please create an empty rectangle: black borders but transparent content : - )
of course ! I understand, sorry for that, I haven't thought about it ;D

At the end after checking different stuffs I have found out that actualy there are 2 different and independant problems:

- my printer may works not very well, by not pulling correctly the paper sheets. That's why it prints "too early" (or "too late") on the paper and make it looks like cropped. So if I fix that I can print correctly a PDF I think. And Scribus doesn't have anything to do with that problem actually.

- About the Postscript trouble I've printed in a Postscript file with an other computer (windows7) and I get the same trouble as on my mac OSX 10.9. The Postscript file mesurement remain in both cases fixed on Letter format, although the different sla file mesurements. I don't know where this trouble comes from, but at the end I don't need realy to print in a Postscrip file. So it doesn't matter for me but this feedback could be maybe interesting for Scribus developpers.

Anyway, thanks again !