What is "Inline Items"? (version 1.5.2)

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If I right click an object and hover over Send To there is an Inline Items option. This appears to be new in 1.5.x as I don't see it in 1.4.5.

I actually can't figure out what this feature does. It sounds like it allows me to place an object (like PDF form fields) inline within text flow. Does anyone know what it does?


i hope it's an error.

the menu entry does not make much sense to me.

but, first, the good news:

yes, you can copy paste any item inside of a text frame and get it as an inline item. (even a form item)

with the menu entry you're referring to, you can first put the item in the inline items (even if it's not yet an inline item) and then drag and drop it to the place where you want it to be inline.
or right click on the inline item and get it to be added at the current place in a text frame.

personally, it looks like something that has been programmed to be friendly to the user, but fails in a way that makes it simply confusing.

if there is really a need for a mechanism on top of the copy paste, i would prefer to see the current one being removed and a new one being added when something solid and friendly is proposed.

but scribus has a long history of bad implemented features being kept at promiment places, even if it would be better to remove them (or at least disable them by default) until a production level implementation is there.
we will have to live with it...


"but scribus has a long history of bad implemented features being kept at promiment places, even if it would be better to remove them (or at least disable them by default) until a production level implementation is there."

Agreed; it would be good if the poorly implemented stuff just got grayed out.