hide paragraph return symbol

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How do you hide the paragraph return hash symbol in text - I can't get rid of it.
any ideas?


Welcome to the forum beastop.

Can you explain a bit more about what you mean please? I've been using Scribus for a few years now and I've never seen anything like what you're describing.

If you can say what it looks like and where it's observed it might be easier to diagnose.


view > show control characters...

... you're the second one in the last few weeks  that says that she wants to disable it...

... but, normally, it is disabled by default and you have too look hard to find it! (isn't it, garry? :-)

mumble mumble mumble...


All this time using Scribus and I'd never noticed that menu option. It's good to learn something new!


the hash symbol (like a hashtag) appears after every para return (not the same as a hidden para mark you get in word processing) - I thought I had got rid of them by copying and pasting text from open office, but when I came back to the Scribus doc, there they are again. Fortunately they don't seem to print in the PDF export, but visually annoying...any help gratefully received


... and i guess that you turned off the display of the control characters... haven't you?

if it's the case, please share a demo .sla and .odt files that we can use to replicate the issue...


Also, can you supply a screenshot showing exactly what the problem looks like please? ("appears after every para return" seems to imply that the hash character appears at the start of the next paragraph. I.e. Anything after a "new line" or "new paragraph" character should be on the next line/paragraph.)

I've tried all kinds of things to re-create this but there's nothing I do that will show a hash character (except, of course, either typing a hash character, adding it from the enhanced character palette, or inserting a page number).

Other useful information for you to give would be:
* The OS you're using.
* The version of Scribus you're using (the text copied from the "About Scribus" dialog will help).
* What font you're using.
* Have you tried "cleaning" the text by putting it through a plain text editor before putting it into Scribus?
* Do you get the same result in copy/paste as you do by using "Get Text" or "Edit Text"? (Where are you pasting the text in? In the Story Editor or straight onto the page?)


Hi - I'm using Mac OS 10.10.5, and Scribus 1.4.6

I think I might have tracked down the fault, your mention of the font prompted me to test that - seems to be a problem with Helvetica Neue I've been using, but doesn't seem to do it with other fonts.
thanks a lot in any case

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Glad to be of assistance. (Thanks for attaching a screenshot. They make things so much easier.)

The last time I used Helvetica Neue with Scribus - on my old Mac - it worked fine. (I'd send you my copy but the license doesn't allow it.)

If the cause of the problem is with that font but you're not having the same trouble using it in other software then there could still be a problem in Scribus. Or it could be that Scribus is using it properly and other software is compensating for the problem. Without someone being able to do good testing using the actual font file it could be difficult to know.

All I can suggest is to use an alternative font such as: Liberation Sans; MG Open Moderna; or TeX Gyre Heros. None will be exactly the same but not a lot of people will know the difference. (Check the licensing first.)


a problem with the font is possible. or even likely. good catch.