Weird black box in text frames??

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Some of my text frames have a weird black box displayed to the side.
What is this and how do I get rid of it?
See attached screen capture.

[attachment deleted by admin]


Hi John!

At a first look these seem to be notices on which layer the frames are.
Are you working with layers?
Does every frame has a box like these?
Are the boxes exported to an image or pdf?



Hi Laser.

Thanks for your reply.
Yes, it appears to be notices on which layer the frames are, however not all frames show these boxes.
No, the boxes are not exported to an image or pdf, and they are also not visible in preview mode.

They are however very annoying as their positions are random.
I have checked the preferences / display settings, and the show layer indicators is disabled.



Hi John!

As far as I can see these boxes have different positions depending on the frame.
Text-, Image- and imported frames have different positions.

If you are interested you could check this. I can't see this on your screenshot as there are no frame borders.

For me this is a good feature when creating complex documents. But if it's ok for you with disabling the indicators, I'm glad I could help.



Thanks Laser.

I agree. It is a good feature, now that I know what it is.
Thanks for your help.
