Install Scribus 1.4.6 on Linux Mint

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Hello Everyone
I'm new in this Forum I use scribus since two years a lot for my private desktop publishing work on ubuntu (at work I use the Adobe products). I like scribus very much. But I have a problem with updating it to the latest stable version. In the past I tried hours to update it to 1.4.5 but I failed since it looks like the versions in the ppa's are out of date (only 1.4.2 svn).
So I want to ask if you can tell me how to update on my new linux mint installation to the latest scribus version 1.4.6?

I'm very happy if someone could help me a bit  :D

Kind regards,


hi didier

linux mint seems to be based on ubuntu which is based on debian (testing)... so it should not be that hard to get the .deb into there.

since i don't know how mint works, i have no idea if this is something you can do by yourself or if it needs actions from the package maintainer...

debian and ubuntu have an excellent and active maintainer... but i don't think that he is providing PPAs for the stable release..



Hello a.l.e
Thanks for your reply. I looked on the site you suggested. It seems that I have to build Scribus from the source code?
Because I'm not a programmer this looks very difficult for me.
I didn't find some .deb package.

Kind regards,


hi didier

no, the page i've linked is the package description for the scribus stable .deb...

so what you can read there is that there is an official .deb with scribus 1.4.6.

you'll "automatically" get it if you have debian testing.
there might or not be a way to get it from linux mint.

now, if you tell me how you're used to get packages for mint, i can help you further :-)
the linux mint web page did not tell me anything about the way its package management works...
and i've never put my hands on a computer running it... even if have heard multiple often about mint...

and, btw, you don't have to be a programmer to build the scribus from source... the biggest step is to get a bit comfortable with the terminal... then the rest is pretty straight forward... but you probably don't even need that to get the latest stable version of scribus.

any mint user around who could further help?


Hi a.I.e
Thanks a lot for your quick reply.
Linux Mint uses the same ways to install software as Ubuntu.
See here

#1. Through software manager(linux mint)/software center(ubuntu)
#2. Through synaptic package manager
#3. Through terminal
#4. PPA installation
#5. installing .deb packages
#6. installing .rpm packages

I normaly use #1 but anything else would be fine. What is hard for me is to find the right ppa / testing. Everything I tried installed only the 1.4.3 Version of Scribus (also in Ubuntu 14.04).

Then it is so easy to install from source... I will try it. I have some basic skills with the terminal. Is that a good source to follow



hey didier

here is the list of the available pacakages for the different ubuntu versions:

depending on the ubuntu version behind your mint install you can get a more or less modern version of scribus stable.

the verbose explanation how to compile scribus is here:

if you want it in few(er) words:

mkdir src
cd src
svn co svn:// scribus
cd scribus
mkdir build
cd build
cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX:PATH=/home/YOUR_USERNAME/bin/scribus14 -DWANT_DEBUG=1 -DWANT_GUI_LANG="en_GB;de;fr;it;en" ..
make -j4
make install
cd /usr/local/bin
sudo ln -s ~/bin/scribus14/bin/scribus .

now you can run scribus from your launcher (or the terminal).


p.s.: i did write down the command above without testing them... so there might be errors...
p.p.s.: most if not all the command above are explained in the scribus wiki.
p.p.p.s.: of course, you have to replace the YOUR_USERNAME in the cmake command with your username...


p.s.: as you can read in another post about hyphenation, you should be able to find a ppa in this repository:


Hello a.I.e
Thanks a lot for your comprehensive instructions. I will go to try it out.
From tomorrow I have some couple days of holliday, so I will have the time to tinker arround on my linux mint  :)

Kind regards,