How to remove marges when printing

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Hi, as you can think, I'm a beginner, and I have problems for printing.

I first use A4 portrait pages and try to print 2 pages on A4 landscape (as we can do with OpenOffice), but the print page is always in A4 portrait, the print is bad.

So I decide to change the page format to A4 landscape, and reduce the first content (fonts, ...) to choose the page : A4 (pages en regard)

But, when I print, I have big marges on the top, the left, and the right, and all the pages which seem correct in the page are wrong on paper. :(

What do I miss ?



I am not sure what the problem is, but a better solution would be to export to PDF and use Adobe Reader (or some other PDF viewer with the capability) to print 2-up.

Or use for example Multivalent to impose the PDF 2-up.


well, you have not told us what you want to achieve :-)

you are probably printing with acrobat reader: in that case you have to disable the automatic margin

depending on the number of pages, you can create two A4 landscape pages and work on them as if they were 4 A5 page... ("page > manage guides > rows and columns" is your friend...).

or an imposition program may also be helpful for you (look for imposition in the scribus wiki)

so, if that does not help, just explain what you are trying to achieve... :-)

have a nice day


When you create your document you have the opportunity to adjust orientation, margins, bleed, and printer margins.
Any time after that, you can change your margins again by going to FILE>Document Setup

Also be sure to check off "apply settings to: all Document pages" if that's what you need