Extra blank page inserted during two-sided printing

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David Elwell

Quote from: David Elwell on August 23, 2011, 07:39:18 PM
Quote from: a.l.e on August 21, 2011, 11:52:17 AM
hi david,

there are several issues with your file... and -- sorry to have to tell you that -- you're doing a bad job in describing your issues.

you're mostly trying to find errors in scribus, while there are good changes that the errors come from the way you setup your workflow.

as i already wrote, the first step will to fix your left and right master pages in the .sla, first. (if you want a double side layout you should put left master pages on the left side and right master pages to the right!)

alnse, since scribus semmes to correctly produce the pdf (you have not brought any evidence that it would not be that way), the error is produced by the way your pdf reader (hopefully acrobat) talks to the printer driver.

summary: scribus is doing what you tell him to do... and when you print from your pdf reader there is something happening, that you don't think should happen: so, fix your scribus document and check that all the settings in the pdf reader are correct!



I have rebuilt the file as double sided, formatted with left & right master pages, and the resultant sla and pdf files still produce the extra blank page.

Your suggestion that the problem might be addressed between the pdf reader and the printer turned out to be correct. I contacted technical support for my office's Xerox printer, and they pointed me to the help i needed. The document prints out correctly on my office's printer when I check "Print As Image" from the advanced settings. (Xerox's instructions are here: http://www.support.xerox.com/support/phaser-8560mfp/support/enus.html?objGUID=5429).

Thank you for your help. If I figure out how to fix the file so that it doesn't require changes in the printer settings, I'll post.


I asked Xerox technical support if they had any idea what the source of the problem might be--the code that was causing the page insertion--and they replied that selecting "Print As Image" is just a workaround. They were not sure what code is causing it.