Widening/Enlarging Master Page Icons

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The current icon size of the pages in the Document Pages pane of the Arrange Pages dialog box are narrow and have a lot of white space to their right.  I plan on having many Master Pages and would like to be able to discern the Master Page name applied to the page depicted in that pane.  Is there a way to enlarge the icons representing pages so that the text of the Master Page applied is wide enough to handle more than 5 characters?

Attached is a screenshot.

Using 1.5.0svn built May 19, 2015 on Windows 7

[attachment deleted by admin]
John L. Poole

work: Principal Software Engineer, Oracle Corporation
play: Editions Poole - publisher of classical ensemble piano music (using InDesign & scripts thereunder)


I confirmed that the same happens in Linux -- the icon are not expandable
John L. Poole

work: Principal Software Engineer, Oracle Corporation
play: Editions Poole - publisher of classical ensemble piano music (using InDesign & scripts thereunder)



i don't think that making the icons wider / bigger is a good idea...

but there should be a way to get more info about the page... or simply allow the label below the icon to be fully written on multiple lines.

i wonder what the wish in a feature request should be...


Perhaps the ability to resize the icons.  That would be a feature request.
John L. Poole

work: Principal Software Engineer, Oracle Corporation
play: Editions Poole - publisher of classical ensemble piano music (using InDesign & scripts thereunder)


eh eh... you don't seem to be interested in having bigger icons, but on having the full name of the template displayed...

so, what you want is a way to see the complete template name.
this can be achieved by:
- adding a tooltip
- adding an information area, filled when you activate a page (or right click a future "get info" in the page's icon)
- expanding the text label when you over it
- increasing the space between the icons
- making bigger icons.

personally, i never go to the arrange pages palette for knowing which MP is applied, so i have a hard time telling which is the best one, but the last option seems to be the least interesting to me...
(normally, i can see the difference, and if not, i think i would open the page properties dialog for the current page...)