Vertical alignment doesn't work in linked text frames

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I noticed that vertical alignment doesn't work in linked text frames in 1.5.0, if rather if I do something wrong?




iirc, this is by design.

the vertical alignment has been implemented in a best effort way and the goal was to allow at least the simplest cases.

but if the project aiming at supporting complex scripts (arabic & co) will succeed, i guess that scribus will need a full implementation fo the alignment!


One work-around could be to unlink the frames (with text splitting, don't remember what the option is called) and then vertically align each frame.


Thank you for Yours response.
I sometimes prepare simple personalization (names) - and option insert -> frames with linked frames.
After this operation I have a lot of pages with names and for me is important to all names on all pages was at one height set, regardless if in one name I have long letter "y,g,j" if short abcd etc.
Therfore I waited on this option in linked frames too.