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I'm making a picture book with a lot of individual elements to combine in the page layout program. Now, I need a simple interface and my deadline is soon so there's not much time to learn. What page layout program--Indesign, Scribbus, or another--would be best for me?

I'm thinking magazine-style picture book


Since you're asking in here, it would be stupid if I would not answer that you should use Scribus!

But all depends on what your plans look like.

But: do you already know where you will print it?
Depending on the printer (i guess you will go for some online print service), they provide their own software that lets you create a book tailored to their services.
That's probably the fastest way to produce an OK pictures book without having to learn too much.

Otherwise, pick one of both programs you know about and follow a tutorial for it.

In the wiki i've found:wiki.scribus.net/canvas/Photo_Albums

If you choose to go for Scribus, come back here and you will get more help for specific issues!


In addition to what a.l.e. said above, there are a lot of variables that you haven't mentioned:
* How much you're willing to pay.
* What operating system(s) you'll be using.
* Approximate ratio of images to text (or other "page furniture").
* What image formats you'll be using.
* What output format(s) you expect to be using.
etc. etc.

All of these things would have an effect on your choice of software. The choice isn't usually easy.

As you're time-limited I'd say go for Scribus and spend a few hours going through the first few chapters of the tutorial. If you're not going to be using much text then ignore those sections and concentrate on the image stuff. (The same goes for things like colour etc. You can always go back later.)

If after a few hours you decide it's not for you, then you can look at something else and you won't have wasted too much time or money.

P.S. GIMP Magazine http://gimpmagazine.org/ is a photo-rich publication which is created using Scribus. You might want to have a look at it and see the sort of thing that Scribus can do before you download. (Though most of the graphics are done in GIMP and imported, rather than created in Scribus itself.)