Wrapping text around an Image

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OK, Ive got my text and my image.   8)  Then I did the following:

  • made image 'top level'
  • clicked 'image properties'
  • chose approx 'frame shape'
  • clicked 'edit shape of frame'
  • clicked 'move control points'
  • attempted to drag nodes

Yes, I moved the frame shape that governed the wrapping, but I couldnt stop the image moving with it?   ???  Can we tell the image to stand still, and only move the wrap path?
My first 'puter was a 286,
My first dtp was Aldus Pagemaker,
My first printer was a Little Squirt,
My first car was a motorbike.


Im going cross-eyed here.   :-X  Every time I move a 'control point', my image sneaks up under the text.  Only half of my image is visible.
My first 'puter was a 286,
My first dtp was Aldus Pagemaker,
My first printer was a Little Squirt,
My first car was a motorbike.


Found answer.   ;D  Allowed image 'free scaling' instead of 'scale to fit frame.'
My first 'puter was a 286,
My first dtp was Aldus Pagemaker,
My first printer was a Little Squirt,
My first car was a motorbike.


hi ged

did you try to use 'contour line' instead of 'frame shape'? when you edit the contour line (check box at the bottom of the edit window) the image doesn't change.
