Concertina fold

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I should produce a leaflet with five pages on both sides. Format 5 x A5 Portrait. Folded as concertina.

When I start with the offered choice at start for a three folder, and then add to the right of the page a new page, this new page opens on a third row of four pages.

I'd be very grateful for a reply.
Have you first consulted the Manual? You can probably find the solution there.

Happy Greetings from Scotland's nicest Holiday Island


hi arran,

scribus supports up to 4 folds... and even there, if you don't need it 100% it's not really recommended to use the 3 and 4 folds options...

on the other side, it has been discussed to have a n-fold option... but i don't think it's a high priority task for the team (but if somebody jumps in and make a patch, they happily accept it... i think...)



Those options are only useful if you want to impose the "pages" yourself.

Because with a tri-fold document your final PDF will contain 8 narrow pages that you will have to re-order and impose for printing.

The easiest way usually is to make the document the same size as the printed sheet, thus just a wide 2-page document, and then use guides to split each page into 5 panels.


Thanks boys for your responses. I will do it with the 2 page version with a lenght of 742.5 mm.

I realised that Scribus has an error in its program: A5 is not 148 x 210 mm but 148.5 x 210 mm, as A4 is 210 x 297 mm.

When I calibrate my Screen with the calibration tool in Gimp, I get x = 101.419 ppi ( 3.99 px/mm), y = 101.914 ppi (4.01 px/mm). When I open an A5 as 210 x 148.5, I have exactly this size on my screen. I can adjust either the width or the lenght in Scribus bottom left in the third small window. But I can not compensate the not really square pixels. The difference is not much, but on an A4 page with 297 mm it amounts to 297 x 0.02 = 5.94 mm. Here it does really sum up. I can confirm this with my ruler...

As we have either one or more of developpers here (or at least people who are close to them) I would like to pose the question, if this part of Gimp could be included in Scribus too? I know, there are not too many Gim-Users who use this wonderful feature in Gimp, but for someone who is used to work to at least half a mm precise, this is quite important. One has anyway to fight with the fact that a conversion from mm to px and vice-versa has an small incertainity.
Have you first consulted the Manual? You can probably find the solution there.

Happy Greetings from Scotland's nicest Holiday Island


Hello and thanks a lot for your help. I think my Facebook friend will be happy. I have attached the .sla-file here and send him the link to download it. As FB does only accept the common graphical filters. Not even .svg's, despite practically all browsers have no no problems with them.

Of course, this layout is for everybody and can freely be used without any copyright strings. If someone wants to add it to the official templates that would be wonderful.

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Have you first consulted the Manual? You can probably find the solution there.

Happy Greetings from Scotland's nicest Holiday Island