Background pics showing white space

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So in my trifold I am still working on, I have it pretty nailed down. The problem is some of the transparent .png pictures show on the screen as showing the background coming through but when printing, they print out the white space in the wireframe around the pictures contents.

I've set up a separate layers in the order from back to front

Base (margins sets and such)
Background Pictures
Top layer

I'm working in the background pictures. The point is to have a couple pictures between the wire frames where there are folds just to add a little something more on the inside.

I'm attaching the screenshot of what it shows and then a pic from my phone with the printout. Look at the cat and the doberman.

How do I get it to print what it shows on the screen.


Additional issue:

If you notice the screenshot the left and right sides both show a tiny bit of background before hitting the margins. When I print, you'll notice that the margins are still there but the bit of background on both sides are cut off. Whats up with that?

[attachment deleted by admin]


In the first instance, would you be able to attach an image that works and one that doesn't? There might be some problem with the images themselves. Having the images makes it easier for others to check.

In the second instance, without a full examination, it looks like your printer can't print up to the very edges of the paper. A lot of printers can't because they need to have a bit of the paper to grab on to while feeding it through. If that's not the case then check your printer settings.


Thanks for replying,

On the first instance if you look at the same screenshot you'll see the lab on the left has the same .png image and doesn't have the white background.

On the second instance, so this is more of a printer setting issue than a scribus issue? I'll take a look at the printer and see if I can't alter it. I'll probably head to Fedex Office to get the batch printed out so maybe I'll let them deal with it and just inform them.


Sorry, I obviously wasn't typing clearly. (It was late and I was tired.)

For the images, I made the assumption that each animal was in its own PNG file. I could see that the dog on the left seemed to work fine but also that the cat and dog on the right had the problem. Therefore, what I should have asked, is whether you could supply (attach) the PNG file for the dog on the left - the one that works - and the PNG file for either the cat or dog on the right - one that doesn't work - so that someone could look at each file to see if there were differences between them? (Other than the picture "content".) That way someone could see whether there was a problem with the image files rather than what Scribus was doing with them.

For the printing thing, you'll need to check your printer tech specs to see what its maximum print coverage area is. Most consumer printers can't print to the edges of normal paper - A4/Letter/etc. - because of how they physically feed the paper through their mechanism. Photo printers - or printers that can print onto photo paper - work differently for photos as leaving a gap on this sort of output would look very bad. If your printer can't physically print to the edges of the paper then its not a settings/preferences problem; it's just not possible.

I hope this has cleared up a few things.


Ah that makes perfect sense, I'll attach the lab and the doberman so we can see if there is a difference.

[attachment deleted by admin]


hi crazedwombat

i just opened your .png files with gimp.
the background contains still some opacity. it isn't 100% transparent – this could be the source of the problem.

unfortunately scribus can't flatten transparencies. in my experience it can deal with completely transparent parts (with the related pixel edges, of course...)

if my assumption is right, your solutions are:

  • export to a .pdf version higher than 1.3 (unless you need .pdf/x-3 or x-1a...)
  • alter the background in gimp, ps... to complete transparency (and live with the pixelated edges)
  • flatten the transparencies with an image program (combine the dogs with the background)
all of them have some drawbacks...
