Open Comic Project

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Hello Scribus Community,

I have been dabbling with Open Source Tools since about 2007 and have decide to go all in. My interest began with Blender, but after years of unsuccessfully trying to  create 3D animation I returned to my first love, comic books. In 2010 I released Kat and Bunnie: Legend of the Broken Hearts. This was a comic made with 95 percent Open Tools, the only closed portion of my process was color, which I did on the iPad using a program called Brushes. For open software I used Gimp, Scribus and Inkscape running on a Gateway Netbook running Ubuntu. It really help me see the power and freedom of open source tools and so I have begun moving towards making increasing the use of Open Source at work and home. The Legend of the Broken Hearts was phase one, the project allowed me to learn the tools and understand the work flow so that when I began to interact with the community I would have a background.

The Open Comic Project is modelled after the Open Movie Project in that I hope to leverage the creative talents of Artist, Developers and generally motivated peoples to create a professional level comic project that will increase the visibility of Open Source tools, contribute to the testing of the software and provide the community with insight derived from application of the software in Professional work flows.

I hope to contribute more to this forum and others, and if you are interested in getting involved with the Open Comic project please fell free to contact me.

Nick Butler
Digital Vampire

Meho R.

Quote from: hippybro on July 14, 2011, 05:02:23 PM
This was a comic made with 95 percent Open Tools, the only closed portion of my process was color, which I did on the iPad using a program called Brushes. For open software I used Gimp, Scribus and Inkscape running on a Gateway Netbook running Ubuntu. It really help me see the power and freedom of open source tools and so I have begun moving towards making increasing the use of Open Source at work and home...
With a little bit of imagination and skill, one can make wonders using FOSS tools. Apart from apps you mentioned, I'd like to add two more which you might find useful:

1. Alchemy, a phenomenal app for concept art and first steps in creation process. How powerful it is can be seen in Chaos & Evolution Workshop, on Blender's website (just watch example chapter on YouTube).

2. MyPaint. What distinguishes it from other apps is its impressive number of brushes. Ideal tool for digital painters. Here's an example.


hippybro. you may be interested to know that I do artwork in B/W for comic strips in the Welsh Language.

I am hoping to do some of the layout work in Scribus. The only problem I have with that is creating the templates.

The art work I create is through the use of my animation software Anime Studio Pro. But it's all fun.

Nice to read of our work.
