Image resolution issue with imported image

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I create an image in Pixelmator (5"x4", 300 dpi). Export as a TIFF. Mac OS recognizes the file as the proper size & resolution. Opening in Preview yields the same thing. When I import this into a Scribus image frame sized to the exact proportions of the image the image comes in very small (like 1/10th its actual size) and at 72 dpi. When I go to export the final layout as a PDF/X-1a it warns me that the image resolution is lower than 144dpi in pre-flight.

Anyone know why the image is coming in in the wrong size/resolution?



hi duplemeter

could you show me the .sla file and the .tiff image? – otherwhise i have no idea how to help.



Thanks utnik!

I actually figure it out. It was my error in inverting the document size to points.