Working Font

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Bill N

When I used In-design years ago i use a minion font. What font loaded with Scribus is close to minion or is there a link to one?



hi bill

if you still have the (licensed) font files, use your old ones.
otherwise you can buy a license for the full font family for something around 200.- USD...



Or you could try looking for a cheap older copy of InDesign and installing it that way. Some computer shops still have old copies on a shelf somewhere they thought they'd never sell and might give you it cheap. (Or you can probably get a copy of 1.5/CS2 or similar off the web for under 100USD, but check compatibility and that the product key is valid/unused first.)

You can then just leave the software hanging around unused while you use the font.

Or, and I don't know how things work in the country where you are but if you have a student in your household they can sometimes get free - or very cheap - software through their college or university. It might be worth looking into if that's your situation.

Of course, none of the above will work on Linux.

Otherwise, here are some suggestions for an alternative: (Links aren't given so more hunting will be required.)

Bill N

I am retired now and switching over to Ubuntu and scribus to save. Thanks


You're welcome, but I'm sorry I couldn't be of more help.

Just one more suggestion: have you looked at ?

It's not quite the same as Minion but it's free (and you might actually prefer it, it's worth a try either way).

Bill N

Thanks I installed and will check the font out!