Empty column in file->document setup->fonts->used in doc. Can't embed fonts

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Hi dear community,
I have a rather large and frustrating problem! I am responsible for a magazine for my school and I have to send it to a professional printer. I have to embed the fonts, but when I try to, it doesn't show any in Adobe Reader under fonts.
I suspect the problem is that Scribus does EDIT: "not" show a "yes" or anything in the column file->document setup->fonts->used in doc. So it seems as if I did not use any fonts at all, but I have over 300 pages full with Levenim MT both Regular and bold. During the pdf-Export all the available fonts are in the "Embed" box after I clicked "embed all" but the people from the printing company always keep telling me that the font was converted to outlines. Does anyone have any idea what the problem could be?
It is really urgent, we have to sell the magazine on time, or we will lose more than a few hundred Euros.
Thanks a lot, Tal


hi tal

i don't have this font – so i can't test.
if you provide a sample file (including the font file)? – i'll check it...

when you prefer to send it by email (might be better, for licensing reasons), send me a personal message.



Tal, some fonts don't allow you to embed them because of licensing issues.

"Levenim MT" seems to be a Microsoft font - http://www.whatfontis.com/Levenim-MT.font - so that may be why you can't embed it. Think of DRM in music, but for fonts.

If a font can't be embedded Scribus will ignore the embed instructions and convert it to outlines so that you at least get something on the page rather than blank space.

If you really need an embedded font you could try one of the alternatives listed on the site that I've given the link to above. None will be an exact match but they might be similar enough for your needs. Or you could try searching other font sites such as http://www.dafont.com/ or http://openfontlibrary.org/ .

Best of luck getting a solution on time.


Quote from: Tal on May 13, 2014, 04:46:42 PM
but the people from the printing company always keep telling me that the font was converted to outlines. Does anyone have any idea what the problem could be?

OpenType Font?

From http://wiki.scribus.net/canvas/Help:Manual_Fontsconfig

QuoteOpenType Fonts - Unicode True Type Fonts cannot be fully embedded by default. This greatly simplifies handling them in other applications. OpenType Fonts and Unicode TrueType Fonts can be quite large, some larger than 10 Mb... OpenType Fonts/Unicode True Type Fonts are exported as outlines in PDF. This allows them to be used in PDF, where often other applications cannot use them. Moreover, embedding Open Type fonts is only supported in PDF 1.6+ (Acrobat 7.0.x) and this technology is quite new.


Ok, thanks for your quick answers! So it looks like I will have to change the whole fonts in the document?
Do you have any advice on how to do that, maybe without completely messing up the whole formatting? Because the magazine has over 300 pages and I don't really have the time to change it all manually. Any tricks or tools that you can think of?
Thank you very much, Tal



I think they can, but they have to correct some problems with color management and converting to CMYK when it is not defined as text. I only know that they need the fonts to be embedded. Btw: is there any way to change the font of a text frame which contains both Levenim MT Regular and Bold so that I dont lose the bold parts. I want to change it to Century Gothic, but when I do, all the bold text is not Century Gothic Bold but Regular. Can I avoid this somehow?


hi tal

as you didn't define styles, there is no easy way to change the font without loosing direct formatting.
but wait half an hour – i'll try something and send you a pm...


edit: unfortunately my test didn't work.
the best way to exchange your fonts is to remove (deinstall) the used fonts (levenim MT regular and bold) temporarily, relaunch scribus and open your .sla file. scribus will ask you for a font replacement. if you check the box for permanent replacement, the problem is almost solved.

but you have to go through all your pages for finetuning the whole layout again – searching for text overflow, wrong column and page breaks...



What PDF version did you use? As the text from the manual suggests you need at least PDF 1.6 to support Open Type font. This means PDF/X-1a or PDF/X-3 won't work (since those are based on earlier PDF versions as far as I know).


hi nermander

it's a truetype font and the license text inside the file allows embedding for printing, but a non embedding flag was set. i think, it should be ok to set the flag to 'embeddable in printable documents'. (to use this font in a way covered by the license...)



so would that mean that I could change/alter the font somehow (remove the non embedding flag) in order to keep using it in my document and to successfully embed it?
Because I don't understand what it means to set an non-embedding flag;-)
Thanks very much, I didn't think I could get help that fast!



It worked!!! Absolutely awesome!!!
:D :D :D :D :D :D :D
I am so relieved!!!
Thank you so much!


I think I might be having similar problems! Could you please tell me where this coveted non-embedding flag is. My font should also be appropriate for print, but won't let me embed.
