Automatic Numeric Translation Script

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I have written a script to calculate numeric values in Textframes with a tkinter-GUI (for the settings).
(Calculation Mode, Factor, Pages, Layer, Rounding Options, Precision for Roundings and Output, International Decimal and Grouping-Seperators supported, ... )

Its designed for fast price changings in product catalogs where hundreds of values must be changed every year.
(example+5% etc. with a few clicks), but it could be also useful for formating numeric values.

It calculates only on a choosen layer so that other numeric values in product-descriptions, etc  stay original.
I get the layer-info from the xml-data via minidom

It's very beta and its my first  :o  thing written in python - but it works fine here.
(Maybe i rewrite it, when i have time to play with python again)

Thougt it could be useful for others too.
(Its free and without any warranty, like all under the GPL)


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