PPA for 1.4.3

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Does anybody know where I find the ppa for Scribus 1.4.3 so I can install it ont my Kubuntu 13.10. I had this version up to 13.04, and can not find anything for the new version.

This would help a lot, as I have to make changes to a small brochure, I made with 1.4.3.

Thanks for any help.
Have you first consulted the Manual? You can probably find the solution there.

Happy Greetings from Scotland's nicest Holiday Island


hi arran

i don't know, if http://ppa.launchpad.net/scribus/ppa/ubuntu/dists/saucy/ is what you're searching for...



Hi Utnik
As far as I know, this has still the 1.4.2 version. I believe, the correct ppa for 1.4.3 is not yet released.
Have you first consulted the Manual? You can probably find the solution there.

Happy Greetings from Scotland's nicest Holiday Island