user documentation

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I'm a technical writer. I'm impressed with the generally high quality of the user docs, which is uncommon. However...

You don't always know your audience. Are you certain Scribus users have previous experience with graphics software? They might not.

The documentation proper gets off to a poor start by jumping right into things:

"Working with Scribus is for the most part working with a frames environment. Some more generic terms you may see in menus and commands are objects or items, of which frames are one kind of object or item. There are five kinds of frames you will work with in Scribus."

Whoa. The Quickstart, showing how to create a simple document, is good, but you also need an overview that explains the general process of creating a document, including such things as what a frame is, and why it's needed/used.

I recommend spending thought on how the user is brought up to speed. What you have verges on a Japanese "trees" document that doesn't pay sufficient attention to the "forest".


Great feedback. I'm still a newbie in the community but I am interested in helping with documentation. Are you interested in helping compile some of that? It makes me feel good that many people around the world benefit from this like myself and that's why I'm involved. Cheers.