immagini scomparse

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> gentlemen
> On several occasions I have submitted the same problem and I would be grateful if I forniste a solution.
> I prepared and properly stored, a booklet of 44 pages, full of pictures and text.
> At the time of presenting it to the press images were gone.
> Note that more modest brochure are still present on the computer.
> This is the third time that this problem presents itself and you can learn what can bring discomfort.
> Is there a solution or should I give up?
> thanks
> Gianfranco Donati
> I use a computer with windows XP prof 32-bit and scribus 1.4.3


Not sure if this the the problem in your case, but:

Scribus does not embed images in the file, they are linked. If the image files are moved or deleted the images will disappear from the document.

To make sure this does not happen you can use the Colelct for output feature to collect everything in the document in one folder.

Once exported to a PDF, everything will be in the PDF.


Puoi spiegarmi dove trovo la funzione colect che provo ad utilizzarla.
Io non so se quello da te indicato sia il mio problema ,ma in ogni caso io credo che scribus dovrebbe rimediare a questo inconveniente.
Non è possibile che una volta salvate, le immagini possano scomparire se sposto l'immagine generantrice.In ogni caso dovrebbe chiarirlo sulle istruzioni e sui manuali
Ti ringrazio e saluto


hi franco

you should learn the basics of scribus and dtp-software in general. otherwise you'll run frequently in problems...
btw: this is an english forum – try to write in english, please!



please tell me where I find the function colect. I do not know if what you have indicated is my problem, but in any case I believe that scribus should remedy this problem.It is impossible that once saved, the images may disappear if only move the image base.In each case should clarify the instructions and manuals
I thank you and salute Gianfranco
I'll try to educate myself better, but believe me it is not that there is much to read in the documentation that I find on the Internet.
Hello Gianfranco


hi gianfranco

Quote from: franco on November 11, 2013, 03:05:34 PM...tell me where I find the function colect.
'file' → 'collect for output' (or in your case: 'file' → 'raggruppa per l'output') – this stores all the images, color profiles and fonts (if selected) with your .sla file in a folder.
for a presentation, i would recommend to export your work as a .pdf file. the 'collect for output' function is useful to transport (or archive) an editable working file...

Quote...once saved, the images may disappear if only move the image base.In each case should clarify the instructions and manuals
this is standard with linked images in all the usual dtp programs.

Quote...believe me it is not that there is much to read in the documentation that I find on the Internet.
you're right, the documentation is far from being complete! as soon as you become an experienced scribus user, feel free to help making it better...



thank you
the problem was that you indicated.Only a clarification: if I export to pdf need arises may I to change something?
Still a little help there is a way to put a frame as a frame to a picture?


hi gianfranco

Quote from: franco on November 13, 2013, 07:33:30 PMif I export to pdf need arises may I to change something?

i don't understand this part – sorry!

QuoteStill a little help there is a way to put a frame as a frame to a picture?

you have to set a line color to your image frame: 'windows' (f2) → 'properties' → 'colors' (the left icon is for the line color, the right one for the fill color). on the 'line' tab you can set the width of the line (your frame) – hope that helps...
