Images not loading

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Hello I'm new to scribus but with the Dutch how to I managed to make a reader for school.
Now when I open the .sla file most of the  Images are not there any more. The frames and names of the files are there but there are not loading, strange enough one Image is loading normal.
Is there a way to fore them back in to the frames?
And what is the best way to organize the images with the matching page? should there be a copy in the same folder or something like that?


Hello Toxbar.

It sounds like you've moved/copied the SLA file, possibly to a different computer.

With Scribus, the SLA document doesn't include the images, it just has references to where the image are. So if the image is moved, or the SLA is moved/copied, the references will no longer work so you won't be able to see the images.

Another way of thinking about this would be to imagine you have a library that has a list of which shelf each book is on. If someone moves a book the list will be wrong and you won't be able to find the book. And if you move the list to another library you won't be able to find any books because all of the shelves are wrong.

The best way to move your work around between computers is to use the "File -> Collect for Output" function on the computer where you created the document. This collects together - copies - the SLA and all of the used images, fonts and colour sets and puts them into a new folder which you can then move/copy. (You would also use this if you wanted to take your work to a print shop.)

One other way could be to put the images on a network/cloud server where different computers have the same path to the folders where the images are but the practicalities of this would really depend on your various systems. (E.g. Moving between Linux/Windows/Mac etc. would probably not work because they reference things differently.)

I hope this helps.

P.S. The one image that is loading normally will probably be a one-off where the same image just happens to be in the same place on different computers.


Haai GarryP,

Thanks for the feed back, I figured it was something like that (moved the pictures without realising the connection)
I will give the "collect for output" function a try

Thanks for helping


Collect for output will only work if the images are correctly linked. Newer versions of Scribus however includes an image manager where you can interactively search for the correct location of the images.

Extra -> Manage Images and then there is a big Search-button.


In this regard Scribus seems to have the same problem as my other desktop publisher. While it's true you can alter the pathname of the image, there doesn't seem to be a way of changing the directory for a bunch of files, filename remaining the same. So when you have many images, the process can be quite tedious.


There needs to be a way to find all images related to a Scribus document that are within Start At... path. I have a few documents that have gained a number of images. I decided to sort them into sub-folders. I went into Extras --> Manage Images and set a base path to be searched. I checked the box to "Search recursively" and expected all images to be located and updated. Instead I have had to do this with each image separately. It seems that, with the "Search recursively" selected, that this should work. Perhaps there could be a check box for "Find all missing images." Or be able to select all the images you want to update and have a "Find and update all selected images."

Am I missing something? Should this work and it is not working for me? It is time consuming and I am glad I am not doing my book or some sort of catalog.
MacBook Pro
OS X 10 Yosemite


this is a long standing feature request.

and my short test shows that it has probably not being implemented in the development version, but contributions are always welcome :-)

and this is a good beginner task for somebody who wants to start with scribus development...
so if you know somebody who can program in c++, just ask him / her if he/she can make you and all of us a little gift!



Ah, oh well. I wish I could code. I don't really know anyone other than my son. He learned a little coding as part of his mechatronic engineering program at university. I could ask, but he is really trying to get a co-op job as part of his program. What could I tell him is involved that might get him interested and help him to understand what would need to be done?
MacBook Pro
OS X 10 Yosemite


I am fast losing patience and confidence in SCRIBUS.
I'm running version 1.5.8 on 64bit Windows10 Home.

Losing links to embedded images is an ongoing issue I have had on a number of occasions now and I don't believe it has anything to do with moving sla files or where the source of the images reside! There is another mechanism in play here somewhere.

Initially when I kept having this problem I decided that I would store all the images in a common directory and make sure the images were embedded and this seemed to resolve the issue.

However the problem has returned.

I produce a monthly village newsletter and as a consequence of such, a number of images are repeated in the same position month after month. I also keep an archive of each monthly issue going back some months.

Whilst creating the May issue this time I closed down my PC last evening, exiting all open windows beforehand.
This morning I login and load up the .sla file for this month and all the images, both new images for this month and regular images that are repeated every month, are not displayed. There is just the "X of doom" and the info pop-up tells me no image is loaded. Yeah, thanks for that!

Except for one image!

No files were moved in the interim between last evening and this morning.

I looked in the Image Manager and although in the path field it displayed the correct path to the directory where all the images are stored it only displayed the last .JPG file I copied into the image directory yesterday. All the others had the "X of doom".

I then loaded up last month's issue from the archive and all the images are displaying correctly and, in the Image Manager all the images are shown in the image directory.

Why is that?

It seems to me that something in the .sla file for the May issue has got corrupted and it no longer knows where the Image Directory is and yet it does for that one image. Very strange.

Looking at the failing .sla, the one for the May issue, if I do a get image on one of the image frames that has lost it's image, I am able to locate the correct image in the image directory and crucially if I now look in the Image Manager that image is now visible!

This is insane!

What is more important .......... what is the resolution to this exasperating error.


how old is the drive in your system? is it a ssd, or platters? Depending on the age and/or usage this may be drive degradation issue.
Using Scribus 1.5.8 & 1.6.2, openSUSE 15.5
Advanced hobbyist


interesting that you seem to be the only one with this problem, can you try on another computer?, are you using a cloud drive where an IP address might be chaning?


Thanks for the feed back, I figured it was something like that (moved the pictures without realising the connection)


There is a way to avoid this, when saving your work use File/Collect For Output. This packages up all the related files into one directory. It really should be the default way to save in scribus.
Using Scribus 1.5.8 & 1.6.2, openSUSE 15.5
Advanced hobbyist


Thanks for the feed back..


I have a similar problem with a new computer.  I file that still loads on my old computer fails to load on the new one which has loads of memory.  Am I right in assuming that all I need to do is ensure the .sla is in a folder which also contains the images folder?  In other words the positioning is relative to each other, not necessarily located in an identical address on the computer.  I have tried working with a reduced size set of images and with the image file absent completely but Scribus crashes when loading the book.  the cover, a separate .sla, loads fine.