TIFF image produces black square when exported to PDF

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hey all, im having some issues producing a booklet for a client, i have several tiff images embedded which are supposed to be sheet music, however when i go to export to PDF they are just appearing as black squares in the PDF (see attached image) any help would be greatly apreciated

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the PDF is over 1GB in size but here is the SLA

[attachment deleted by admin]


hi aka_deryl

without any image, it's a bit difficult to take a closer look at the problem.
you should upload at least one or two of the images...



Just attach one page with this tiff which is problem.
I guess the problem will be the tiff, maybe you just need save as new tiff or jpg or png in gimp.


hey guys i found the issue, when the files were exported to tiff from cs5 the files were incorectly saved, opening in gimp and overwriting the files worked no problem