Poor PDF quality

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I'm new with this thing, and it's one problem after the next. Now I have bad quality pdf output and I can't sort out what the issue is. I tried making a new page with no formatting, and it's still very bad. Here's what my output looks like.

[attachment deleted by admin]


I may have found the reason: the typed document was created in MS Word. ODF had better output.


I don't understand what Word and ODF has to to with Scribus PDF output??


@nermander: he never said that he/she was using scribus :-)

@flamingpanties, jokes aside, it looks like you are not creating your pdf with file > export > export to pdf...

if you need more help, you should provide more information on what you did :-)



I'm about to publish a journal in PDF exported from Scribus.  How can I maximize quality?  The letters seem to be losing someof the white space between them.