Change Log for 1.4 RC2?

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Scribus 1.4 Release Candidate 2 is out.

Is there a Change Log somewhere, to help us determine whether or not we want to download and install 1.4 RC2 instead of 1.4 RC1?


Quote from: maniac on March 14, 2011, 01:35:49 PM
Scribus 1.4 Release Candidate 2 is out.

Is there a Change Log somewhere, to help us determine whether or not we want to download and install 1.4 RC2 instead of 1.4 RC1?

If you experience regressions that you should update. If it works fine for you and your bandwidth is very limited then wait. It won't hurt to update if you can, though.
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In the meantime, 1.4 RC3 has been released.

I found this page showing the changelogs for 1.4 RC1, 1.4 RC2, and 1.4 RC3.

Apparently this is going to be the last "release candidate"... will the Scribus 1.4 final be called "stable"? I must admit to being a bit confused about how Scribus decide whether to call a program version "stable" or "developmental".


The versioning has been explained many times on the Scribus mailing list and the background is something like that one branch that was supposed to become the text stable unfortunately went into a dead end due to (I think) a new version of Qt. So the 1.3.3-series had to be "promoted" into stable becuase it would take to long to wait for 1.4.

So, from now on (hopefully), 1.<even number> will be stable versions and 1.<odd number> will be development versions.



Now Scribus 1.4 Release Candidate 5, from the same download location.

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