scribus 1.4.2, no hyphenation in Manjaro Linux

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since I'm using Manjaro the hyphenation doesnt work.
I just tried to use Opensuse 12.2. There it works with myspell de_DE.
But Manjaro uses hunspell. Additional I explored the missing hyphen-de and installed it.
My settings are the same as in Opensuse but with my Manjaro the hyphenation will not do its work.
Any idea what's wrong?


May be, me question includes a too wide and also yet a too special area.
Please, can someone explain to me, in which manner scribus-hyphenation works. What programs ore files are needed and on which positions they have to be (Linux, Arch)


This is a known issue in Scrinus 1.4.2.  It will be fixed in 1.4.3, which we have been waiting for impatiently.  According to Manis, it was supposed to be out on the 20th.