Conditional dividers...

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I try to use Scribus to make a flyer for an exhibition, I need to insert conditional breaks in a few long words - and the necessary function is nowhere to be found ???

Ok, so I am grateful for the existence of Scribus, but could somebody answer me this:

1. Is the mentioned functionality available, simply hidden under an undecipherable name ?

2. Or is this function somewhere on the to-do list ?

3. Or has simply nobody thought of/requested this before ?

Slightly underaggrieved people (with simultaneous system problems) wishes for useful answers...

-sweating under a deadline...


In case version is a factor, I'm using V. 1.3.9, Build ID: C-C-T-F-C1.8.10

-still sweating...
Civil war isn't.

Meho R.

Insert > Character > Soft Hyphen?


And "Soft Hyphen" is available, where ... ?

It's not visible in the local Insert-menu when I edit text in a text box, anyway. Whether it would be available in the main Insert-menu of the program - it might be, but how would I use it on the text in the text frame ?

Civil war isn't.


Quote from: VeniVidiVacui on May 16, 2011, 01:51:18 AM
And "Soft Hyphen" is available, where ... ?
It's not visible in the local Insert-menu when I edit text in a text box, anyway. Whether it would be available in the main Insert-menu of the program - it might be, but how would I use it on the text in the text frame ?

It should be available when editing text in a text frame. Just to be sure we are talking about the same thing, the text frame is the object on the page, not the Story Editor, which opens up the text in a separate window.

Double-click on the text frame on the page to enter editing mode. Place the cursor where you want the optional hyphen to be. Then go to Insert > Character > Soft Hyphen. The soft hyphen does not appear, but it's there. To see it in action move your cursor to the beginning of the line with the soft hyphen and type some random characters to push the line toward the right edge of the frame. When the text gets to the point where the soft hyphen is needed Scribus will automatically hyphenate the word.
Linguistics on Linux!


Found it! It works! Thanks!

Now to find the right words to put in that text ...

Civil war isn't.

Meho R.

Quote from: John_Jason_Jordan on May 16, 2011, 02:49:34 AM
... The soft hyphen does not appear, but it's there...
And, if you'd still like to see them, there is "Show Control Characters" option in the "View" menu. Soft hyphens are displayed as small vertical lines above the text.