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Prosiłbym o pomoc,
po eksporcie do pdf, otwarciu tego pliku i zaznaczeniu dowolnej grafiki osadzonej w nim, obszar zaznaczenia jest równy wielkości oryginalnego zdjęcia i nie jest przycinany do wielkości okna grafiki w którym była osadzona.
Czy jest rozwiązanie aby po eksporcie grafika w pdf była docięta do okna?
Jeżeli było to już rozwiązane proszę o linka do tego posta
Scribus v1.5.8 ale na wcześniejszym było to samo

(automatic translation)

I would like to ask for help
after exporting to PDF, opening this file and selecting any graphics embedded in it, the selection area is equal to the size of the original photo and is not cropped to the size of the graphic window in which it was embedded.
Is there a solution to crop the PDF graphics to the window after export?
If this has already been solved, please link to this post
Scribus v1.5.8 but the previous version had the same problem


I think this depends on the PDF viewer.

At work we used to have Foxit Phantom, and it had a very nice snapshot tool where you clicked a button and then selected the area to make a screenshot of. It did not matter what was under the selection, if it was text or pictures.

Not we are forced to use Acrobat, and if you want to use the built in snapshot function you need to manage to select an area without starting in an object (because if you for example start the dragging in a text, you get a text selection instead of a selected area). I have stopped trying to use the built in function and instead use the Windows screenshot tool.


cześć Rey,

proszę użyć narzędzia do tłumaczenia, aby przetłumaczyć mój post...

hi reey,

please use a translation tool to translate my post...

if i understand you correctly (from the automatic translation into english), in your scribus document, you have images that are bigger than what is shown in the frame.

now, when exporting to pdf you want the part that is not visible to be cut out.

scribus can't do that and i don't know of any (free) tool being able to process the generated pdf to remove the unwanted part of the images.

other tools (indesign...) automatically produce optimized PDFs that only contain the part of the image that is indeed relevant. this might be the reason why nobody has created a tool for cropping the images in a pdf to their visible area (it's also not very easy to do, since the image might be reference multiple times, with different areas visible).

personally, i think that scribus should have an option to cut the images, in a best effort way (which could be improved with the time), and cezary has indeed created a patch for it:


but it never made it into scribus (it probably needs to be improved, before it can be considered for inclusion).

now, there is one thing that you can do, if you really need this feature: write a python script that cuts the images before creating the pdf.
i can help you there, but i would need more details on what exactly are your needs.

at the end of the day, for most documents, it does not make a huge difference: that's why this feature is not really urgent for the developers.


Dziękuję za szczegółową odpowiedź i wyjaśnienie
Dokładnie tej funkcji szukałem, sądziłem że nie odnalazłem jej tylko w ustawieniach.
Narazie spróbuję jej brak obejść osadzając juz docięte zdjęcia, ale ostatecznie dobrze by było gdyby jednak scribus docinał sam przy eksporcie do pdf

Przepraszam również,że nie pisze po angielsku

(automatic translation)

Thank you for your detailed answer and explanation
I was looking for this exact function, I thought I couldn't find it but in the settings.
For now, I will try to get around it by embedding already cropped photos, but ultimately it would be good if Scribus could crop it itself when exporting to PDF.

I'm also sorry that I don't write in English


Hallo Reey,

You can do this with my Scribus script "PhotoBookImageCropResize.py", which is part of the Photobook tools for Scribus scripts (download at https://github.com/RaffertyR/PhotoBookTools-for-Scribus; instructions file for setup included).



hi rafferty

the photobook tools look great in the documentation. but unfortunately they are based on tkinter which is really hard to install on mac os.



i did not know that on mac the scribus scripts cannot use tkinter.

since scribus ships its own python, i thought that it would have just worked.

@MrB do you know if tk is included in the python that you put in the scribus dmg?

have you tried if tk works with it?


No I don't think it does include it
